Garfield Wiki

Hello everyone,

recent circumstances happening on the Wiki have revealed, that things here are more wrong than one may think.

About two weeks ago, I had to write a report against one of the admin team members, one Ella Strudel, because she keeps treating me in an utterly disgusting way, abusing her admin rights. The report ended with warning given to aforesaid Ella , who did not accept the penalty with humility, but instead attempted to provoke me for further squabbling.

Unfortunately, the conflict did not end. Ella Strudel kept abusing her admin rights towards me to the point I suggested she may be suffering from a mental disorder. Another member of the admin team, CoolJoe01, contacted his uncle, a psychologist, to examine me and Ella Strudel after the testimonies we gave one another. The results were as following:

-         Ella Strudel was considered fully healthy;

-         CoolJoe01’s uncle diagnosed within me a form of a mild mental disorder, the same one I had privately diagnosed myself about two years ago.

I have nothing to conceal myself – I’m indeed touched by such a malady. It has been disturbing me that much, that I elected to attend a psychological therapy not long time ago, where I learnt much about myself and the issues, which were plaguing me. But this is not the story for this blog entry.

Back to the point – since I am diagnosed as a mentally ill person, I believe the guidelines developed by Ohio State University here do apply to me. I assume that most of the people reading my blog entry have enough common sense to be familiar with those. Life experience has proved, that Ella Strudel is apparently rejecting common sense, for I had to report her to the Garfield Wiki admin team again for Ella Strudel has revealed that she has joy in harassing me for being touched by a mental malady.

I am asking – what kind of person:

- argues with mentally ill people and seems to have pleasure from it?

- attempts to demonize a mentally ill person for personal gain?

- keeps sneering at mentally ill people, apparently for fun?

It takes an exceptional barbarian without empathy and compassion to pick on people, who both should be given treatment or are struggling for overcoming their state of mind. I did compare Ella Strudel to characters from certain part of German history, because her approach towards me, a mentally ill person, resembles the infamous Aktion T4.

The rest of Garfield Wiki administration, both current and the two demoted last year, have seen Ella Strudel’s ableism performed towards me on Discord. We’re living in the 21st Century, FANDOM claims they are taking steps against ableism, and what happens? An ableist within Garfield Wiki admin team, Ella Strudel, is showing off her bigotry and prejudice towards mentally ill people. I’m enclosing screencaps as evidence, that my words here are not libel, but statements reflecting the truth:

To sum up – I do believe that if FANDOM Staff declares that ableism is forbidden, advocates of ableism such as Ella Strudel and her henchmen have no right to spoil the online community with their awful presence.
