When I (Noah Cooper) first came to fandom I was on a mission. I wanted to build an army to defeat the people on Gocomics . The people on Gocomics made up with me. By that time I was too involved in this fandom and felt too obligated to leave. That's when Dom got involved. We both saw the fragile condition of the Garfield Fandom. We thought that we could improve the state of Garfield fandom. Unfortunately as most of you all know,that didn't work out. At that point we left the wiki because we already knew that this was a hopeless case. A few months later we came back and saw that there was still the same drama that was there when we left. Now we come down to today. During this past week we witnessed the post that was put out against Teejay87 and the rest of the government on this Fandom. We knew this would end bad. Just like we suspected,it did end bad. During that time we saw the unfortunate state of the admins on this Fandom and the chaos they were causing. Now I'm not blaming the admins,because to them they're just trying to protect the wiki. But in reality what they're doing is causing a lot of unnecessary drama. As others have stated,Fandom should be a peaceful space,not a harmful one. Me and Dom really do care about the welling being of this Fandom and everyone in it. That's why we don't like seeing this unnecessary violence and hate. We respect the Government of this wiki but it can't go on like this. All we're saying is that there needs to be peace. That's all we've been trying to say. The people on this wiki just don't realize it. We're sorry for causing any unneeded drama. But truly and faithfully we do care about this wiki and everyone in it. We just want there to be change.
Thank's for understanding.