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"We've been working for months on this skyscraper!"
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(Chapter 5, the final chapter, begins like most others: a quick recap)
Narrator: Master Control had dispatched his army to capture Earthlings.
Bleen: I’m one of the few beings on my planet who’s not a robot. You must come to Sprocket with me and help our tiny band of rebels defeat this tyrant!
Master Control: What are you two doing here?
(With the summary over, the fifth part begins above the Factory)
Narrator: Garfield, Odie, and the leader of the Rebel forces had infiltrated the robot factory where Garfield’s friends were being held prisoner and where they found themselves (Cut to inside, where they stand mere feet from the intimidating force known as Master Control. The narrator talks faster and faster as he goes) face-to-face with Master Control, the ruler of the entire planet of Sprocket and would-be conqueror of Earth who has already enslaved most of Garfield’s friends!
Master Control: I said, “What are you two doing here?” I hate to see my workers not working! (His giant claws spin in front of him)
Bleen: (in a deep, robotic voice) We are on our way to guard duty on that prisoner, the Earth woman who answered questions on their phones.
Master Control: You’re in the wrong place, you idiots! (He retracts himself to his egg form) This is the North wing, and she’s over in the East wing!
Bleen: (in a deep, robotic voice) Thank you, sir. We will go there now. (They leave. Master Control heads in the opposite direction)
Garfield: Whimper (Techno crawls up in front of his superior)
Techno: I continued searching for the c-c-c-cat, Master Control. I can say with great confidence it is nowhere around for m-m-m-miles.
Master Control: I want that cat found and eliminated! All our study says that cat is a threat to my domination of Earth, and he is… (He turns to face the disguised team. When he does, he notices something and he starts beeping) Gasp! (He spots Garfield’s tail wagging) The cat, (Realizing they’ve been discovered, Garfield, Odie, and Bleen take off) in HERE?! (Master Control angrily turns to Techno)
Techno: N-n-no! That’s not possible! Our scanners say… (Master Control picks him up with his smaller set of arms) YAAHHH!
Master Control: That’s the cat! Sound all alarms! (He drops Techno and clenches his fist)
Garfield: OK, so maybe this WASN’T a very good idea. (They start to lose their costumes)
VO: Robots man your stations! (Red lights flash throughout the factory, catching the attention of not only the Sprocket people, but also the Earthlings working there. Music starts playing)
Master Control: Robots man your stations,
Time to search and scan! (Odie trips on a wire, causing the rest of the outfit to fall off and Garfield to get flung forward)
Catch that cat and puppy, (The pets and Bleen see a small squad of robots in front of them)
Throw them in the can!
Bleen: Run for it! (He hustles down another corridor. Garfield and Odie are quick to follow, with the former flailing his arms in a panic)
Master Control: (singing) We’ve been infiltrated,
They just turned and ran.
Female voice: Mobilize all our forces, (The heroic trio rounds a corner. The half-dozen robots behind them head in a different direction)
Master Control: Throw them in the can! (The scene shifts to Master Control for a moment)
We have got to stop them (Returning to the pets and alien, they suddenly stop on their heels at a fork in the hallway. On either side are robots programmed to destroy)
Lest they wreck my plan.
Catch the cat and puppy, (The robots shoot their lasers. The heroes duck, and the only thing hit by the lasers are both sets of evil robots)
Throw them in the can!
Garfield: Huh? (He and his friends are unharmed. Seeing the assist they got from the machines, they make their escape)
Throw them in the can! Evil chuckle (The song ends)
(In Master Control’s “Throne room”, the evil ruler vents to his pint-sized servant)
Master Control: You failed me! (Techno turns around to face his furious leader. Master Control pounds the floor so hard it causes Techno to fly into the air, only to get snagged by his emperor’s smaller hand)
Techno: Whimper B-b-but Master, if you let me explain, (Master Control slowly clenches his fist, about to treat Techno like a stress ball) I-I-I-I-I… (Techno voice trails off, like he’s powering down. Master Control gives him a fate worse than scrap metal: slave labor in the Factory. Dejected, he hops on the edge of the conveyor belts with a wrench in his hand and gets to work next to Jon) So, uh, how’s the pay here?
Jon: There is none.
Techno: I kn-kn-knew that.
(Elsewhere, Garfield, Odie, and Bleen continue to flee from the robot horde)
Robot 1: Quick! This way!
Robot 2: Over here!
Robot 3: He won’t get away! (The pets and Bleen have hit a dead end. Garfield frantically pounds on the door) You are my prisoner and there’s nothing you can do about it! (A robot reaches his extension arms toward Garfield, who is understandably terrified)
Garfield: I can do this! (He reaches behind his back and pulls out the magnet he brought with him in part 4. The robot grabs the magnet and instantly short-circuits)
Robot 3: AAAHHHHH! (It spins around, tangling its arms before falling flat on the floor)
Garfield: Laughs (The robot’s arms unwind, spinning Garfield in the process) Whoa! (He falls on his face next to his friends) Oh, wow! (The rest of the robots pinch their claws, determined to capture the fat cat. Bleen picks him up and runs with him) Nervous chuckle
Bleen: This way! (Odie chases after them)
Odie: Right! (Using the magnet as a weapon, the other robots are quickly wasted. They fall around Odie, who bobs and weaves to avoid them) Bark! Bark! Bark! Bark!
Garfield: Grr! (The machines are no match for the magnet. One by one they fall like bowling pins)
Odie: Bark! Bark! (He leaps over a fallen robot)
(Out of danger–for now–they continue their search through for Zoe)
Bleen: The East wing is this way! (The door closes behind them) I know because I always carry this compass with me! (He holds a compass in his hand, with alien lettering on it) It shows me which way is which!
Garfield: (to the audience) What’ll they think of next?
Narrator: Thanks to Bleen’s compass, it was a simple matter to locate the East wing of the robot factory, (They turn to their left) and the cell where the woman from the smartphones was being kept! Not as simple to get the door open. (After reaching Zoe’s cell, Garfield and Bleen bang on the door trying to get it open while Odie stands next to them keeping watch for more robots)
Zoe: (from inside) The lock operates
Garfield: Huh? (He and Bleen stop banging on the door to listen to Zoe)
Zoe: (continuing) on a master system. You will need to shut down (Garfield and Bleen look at each other) the entire electric system to open it. That will also cut the power (Inside, Zoe is casually sitting and knitting as she always does) to all the robots including Master Control.
Bleen: Oh, how do we do that?
Zoe: Unplug the big blue cable. It’s like a huge extension cord.
Garfield: Huh? I knew it!
(Later, with this game-changing information, they escape the Factory and use a cart to hide themselves as they leave the junkyard)
Narrator: As Zoe explained, all the power to run the robots and Master Control’s operation came from a plug cable (A robot zips up to them. They crouch down to avoid getting caught) plugged into a mountain 10 degrees due west! (The robot leaves. The heroes go for one of the fighters that the robots use)
Bleen: We’ll take one of these planes and unplug Master Control’s whole empire!
Odie: Bark! Howl! (He looks and sounds nervous, and rightfully so. Once Bleen dumps the cart disguise, they are instantly found by a passing robot)
Robot: There he is!
Odie: Huh?
Garfield: Huh? (Odie looks at the robot with his mouth open in fear. Garfield smiles confidently) I’m not worried, I have this! (He pulls out his magnet and winks at the pooch)
Odie: Huh? (Perhaps Garfield should be worried, as two circles of robots surround them)
Robots: There he is! He won’t get away! He’s mine! (Odie quivers. The sheer number of robots is too much for the magnet. It’s so attractive that it forces itself from Garfield’s grip)
Garfield: Whimper Now I'm worried! I don’t have that! (Odie glances at him with an “I told you so” look)
(As for the magnet, it sticks itself on a robot, which short-circuits and tilts into another robot, and another, and the rest fall like dominoes around them. However, the other ring of robots still remains)
Bleen: Let’s get off the ground FAST! (The pets leap into the shuttle. Odie appears on Bleen’s left, and Garfield on his right, and they take off)
Narrator: Robot guards stormed the craft, but they were too late! (Bleen raises the windshield, the actual shield, and takes off, leaving the enemies in the dust. They fly over the trees, and over the Rebel camp, where they are spotted by their allies)
Rebel: Why the concern, Anja? It’s just one of Master Control’s cruisers.
Anja: I don’t know. (She walks a short distance away) I guess I'm just worried about Bleen and Garfield and Odie. So much is at stake.
Glemm: It’s like I always say, never eat a fish that has bushy eyebrows! (The Rebel gets a “bruh” look on his face. Anja turns around and gives Glemm the same look)
(Inside Master Control’s “throne room”, a large number of robots gives their master the update)
Robot: They seem to be heading for the supreme energy source, Master. (Master Control emerges from his egg form) I sent fighter planes. (The robot spins his claws)
Master Control: Not necessary. They can’t unplug us! (He clenches his fist and shakes it menacingly) Goliath is guarding the outlet. He will take care of THEM! Evil laugh
(Meanwhile, the heroes had been following the cable’s path)
Narrator: Knowing Master Control’s air force was somewhere in pursuit, Bleen steered the craft for 10 degrees due west.
Bleen: The ground fog is obscuring the blue cable, so I can't follow it, but we’re still right on target. I could use the fancy navigation system in this thing, but I prefer this compass. It’s simple, and I prefer to know where I'm going instead of being taken there. (The fog clears, and the cable is revealed below them)
Narrator: Soon our heroes had reached the end of the blue cable. It led into a valley where it connected to a volcanic source of energy that came out of…THE LARGEST PLUG IN THE UNIVERSE! (It’s so big Bleen flies under it)
Bleen: I can’t believe Master Control runs EVERYTHING his factory, his robots, himself, off of ONE electrical connection!
Garfield: No wonder he needs all that free labor. Could you imagine the bill that guy gets from the Department of Water and Power? Well, let’s see if there’s any way to unplug that thing. (They hear a loud noise)
Goliath: Cock-a-doodle-doo!
Garfield: Huh? (Before them is a pair of spinning circular saw blades. They come apart and a giant robotic chicken called Goliath stares the heroes down)
Bleen, Garfield, and Odie: AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! (They swerve out of the way. Goliath tries catching them with his beak, but misses)
Goliath: Cock-a-doodle-doo! (He leaps after them)
Garfield and Odie: AAAAHHHHHH! (Goliath swipes at them with his blades, but Bleen’s flying keeps him and the pets in the air)
Garfield: Well it’s been fun up to now, (He shakes Bleen’s hand) but we really have to be going. (Goliath takes some more shots at them with his saw and beak)
Goliath: Cock-a-doodle-doo!
Bleen: But you can’t give up now! (The giant chicken stomps on the ground and begins running after them)
Goliath: Cock-a-doodle-doo! (Garfield glances back at the monster on their tail)
Garfield: Find me a better time.
Bleen: We can’t pull that plug, my planet will NEVER be free, and yours...will be just as bad off!
Goliath: You will not interfere! You will be CRUSHED! (He tries just that: crushing the heroes with his saw-wings)
Bleen, Garfield, and Odie: AAAAHHHHHHH! (They fly too close to the volcano and clip the side of it, causing their craft to crash) AAAAAAHHHHHHH!
Goliath: Cock-a-doodle-doo! (The three of them emerge from the rubble a bit dizzy, but quickly recuperate and flee just before Goliath flattens them)
Odie: Howl!
Bleen: You two run for it! I’ll try and stall him! (Goliath uses his saw and hits between Bleen and Garfield. They separate, the pets run side-by-side and Bleen runs close by)
Odie: Whimpers (He leaps over a rock)
Garfield: “Do something”? What can I do? Besides get stepped on. (Goliath attaches Bleen with his beak, launching him forward and causing him to drop his compass. Luckily, it hits Garfield in the head and he catches it) Wha-? (He looks at the compass) Odie, remember just the slightest touch of a magnet stopped those robots?
Odie: Bark! (He affirms Garfield's question)
Goliath: Cock-a-doodle-doo! (It eyes Bleen menacingly)
Garfield: This is Bleen’s compass, and a compass works because the needle in it is magnetized!
Goliath: ROAAAAAAAAAAR! Cock-a-doodle-doo!
Narrator: And so the clever cat threw the compass with all his might! (It lands inside Goliath’s mouth, and just in time, as Bleen trips over a rock)
Bleen: Whoa!
Narrator: And when it hit Goliath, something interesting happened. (Goliath’s lone eye glows. His saws stop spinning and he starts malfunctioning and dancing. The heroes watch, with Odie panting and wagging his tail, as the spinning chicken gets tangled up in the plug. As it spins, it winds the plug around himself, pulling it tighter and tighter until with a loud SNAP, it disconnects from the volcano)
Garfield: Odie, (He points at the empty socket) the plug! It got pulled out of the Sprocket socket! (The cord coils around Goliath, wrapping him up like a spool of thread. Only his buzzsaw wings and his foot can be seen as he shuts down for good)
(Back at the Factory, the events at the volcano are seen: robots and turrets fall over, the conveyor belts stop–causing much celebration from the human laborers–Techno powers down, and Zoe’s cell opens)
Narrator: Once the power was cut to Master Control’s insidious empire, many things happened: his robot empire was shut down, and so did all the robots in it, including Master Control himself!
(Inside his throne room…)
Master Control: No! NO! I was supposed to RULE the Earth! I knew that cat would beeee… (He powers down, spins around, returns to his egg form, bounces off the floor and hits the ground with a thud, surrounded by all the other robots of his army. His red eye closes, ending his tyrannical rule for good)
(Later, the humans acknowledge their newly freed state)
Vito: We…we are free. FINALLY! We are free!
Jon: (with Liz hugging him) And I can't wait to find out what Garfield had to do with it. (They hear an elevator door open) Huh? (A number of Sprocket people emerge and walk up to the humans) Ah. (Jon extends his hand. A Sprocket person grabs it and shakes him violently, much like Bleen did to Garfield in part 4) Whoa! (Eddie looks at a Sprocket person, who waves at him, and imagines the alien as a hard-boiled egg in a cup)
Eddie Gourmand: Mm. (He licks his lips)
Narrator: The next morning, the prisoners from Earth were transported home. (A few spaceships take off from the planet’s surface)
Eddie Gourmand: I want an aisle seat and I want a movie and a tiny envelope with those wonderful honey roasted peanuts and I want a warm nappy. (He wiggles his fingers) Chuckle Napkin.
Whipple: Just get me back to my planet!
(Meanwhile, the Rebels are gathered around Garfield and Odie)
Anja: We reprogrammed them to serve us. (A robot hands them cocktails in glasses)
Bleen: That’s what technology is SUPPOSED to do. (They clink their glasses and Garfield takes a sip from a straw. He promptly spits out the drink, and grins trying to play it cool. Odie also had a taste, only to be just as repulsed as his feline friend. He wipes his tongue off with his paws, trying to get the taste off)
Odie: Whimpers
Glemm: It’s like I always say…
Bleen: Scoff. Here he goes again.
Glemm: YOU’RE supposed to push the button, the BUTTON isn’t supposed to push YOU. (A couple of rebels laugh at this)
Anja: Why Glemm, that’s…that’s right!
Bleen: (chuckling) Yes! You summed it up perfectly!
Garfield: Yeah, and it even made sense.
Bleen: Hail to our friends Garfield and Odie! (The Rebels begin cheering)
Rebels: Hail to Garfield and Odie! (The pets smile. Odie wags his tail and holds his paws to his mouth, like he doesn’t know what to say in light of the Rebels’ praise. Garfield grins, soaking it up) Hail to Garfield and Odie! (They continue cheering as a spaceship takes the cat and dog heroes home, but not without Anja, Bleen, and Glemm waving them good-bye) Hail to Garfield and Odie!
(After returning to Earth, things have mostly gone back to normal. Jon sits on Garfield’s chair talking to Zoe)
Jon: Oh, Zoe, what would be a nice thank you gift to send to a woman?
Zoe: Well, how about flowers?
Jon: Yeah. I was thinking about flowers.
Zoe: Would you like me to send them for you?
Jon: Oh, thanks, (He gets up. Garfield peeks at him from behind the TV) but I think I'll handle that. I have to do SOME things myself.
Garfield: Laughs (He gives Odie–who is standing behind him–a thumbs-up. Odie rubs his paws and wags his tail happily)
Jon: I’ll be back in a while, guys! (He turns off his phone) I’m going to go send flowers to Zoe!
Garfield: Odie,
Odie: Huh?
Garfield: (continuing) did you know our friends on Sprocket sent us some thank you gifts?
Odie: Slight howl Pants
Garfield: Yeah! (He nods) I’m thinking we should send them back, but we can enjoy them for a little while. (Dishes clatter in the distance) Oh, here they are. (Master Control floats before them, only now he’s the servant, and not the master)
Master Control: I have shrimp chow mein sir. (Metalla follows)
Metalla: I have bean burritos sir. (Techno crawls out of the kitchen also)
Techno: And I have l-l-lasagna, l-l-lasagna and more l-l-lasagna sir. (He hops on the table, where Garfield and Odie are seated, and sets a plate of lasagna in front of each of them)
Garfield: Sigh I’ll have some more l-l-l-lasagna. (He takes his fork and eats the lasagna cube whole. Odie wiggles his fingers excitedly and slurps up his helping. I’m surprised Garfield let him eat it) Mm! (The Flabby Tabby speaks to the big-hearted beagle) Isn’t this technology wonderful? (A hologram of Glemm powers up in front of them on the end table)
Glemm: Technology is a good thing if you don’t get carried away. (He disappears. Techno runs up with some more food)
Metalla: Robots at your service. (She and Master Control serve some more food to the pets) Robots at your service. (Garfield and Odie wink at each other as Metalla and Master Control start singing)
Garfield: Chuckle
Master Control and Metalla: Don’t exert your feet or your back. (They read a super long list of Garfield’s)
We will fetch a meal or a snack! (They hold food in their hands)
Have another tasty hors d'oeuvre,
Robots like a chocolate dessert! (Master Control uses his claw to beat a cake and Metalla juggles plates of cake in front of Garfield. One by one the fat cat eats them)
Let us wash and iron your shirt,
Garfield: Chuckles (He grins and gives the audience a thumbs-up)
Master Control and Metalla: Let us bring you 20 desserts! (Metalla uses the empty plates to fan Garfield, so powerfully that he and his chair get blown off screen)
We will never throw you a curve. (Master Control holds a TV in front of Garfield)
Robots like us just live to serve!
We will do each menial chore. (Garfield tosses Techno into a target that Odie is holding)
Odie: Ta-da!
Master Control and Metalla: Then we’ll do some more and some more! (The pets play their version of the classic arcade game Space Invaders)
Bringing you just what you deserve (Techno, Metalla, Master Control, and the entire squad of Robots salute)
Robots at your service. (Finally, Master Control pulls Garfield and Odie on the lagoon as they water ski without skis) Robots at your service. (Garfield looks at the audience, with Odie right behind him. Garfield lowers his sunglasses, chuckles, and winks)
Robots like us just live to serve! (And on that note, with the world saved and the pets happy, I can finally write the two most satisfying words in this entire transcript, especially for a five-part story like this)