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Ice Cream is a sweetened frozen food often enjoyed by Garfield in the Garfield franchise.


  • In the June 5, 2018 comic, Jon and Garfield discover a place called the Ice Cream Museum. Excited, Garfield remarks to Jon that he has "never climbed a 40-foot fudge pop!"
  • Jon once told Garfield that if he had a super power, he would make everything taste like ice cream. Delighted, Garfield immediately replied to Jon "My hero!"
  • Liz once came across Garfield and Jon competing in ice cream eating races against each other. Impressed, she wanted in, and Garfield replied to her "Atta girl".
  • Jon once put three scoops of ice cream on a piece of liver, and served the dish to Garfield. Garfield ate the ice cream, then threw the liver back at Jon.
  • Irma once served Garfield and Jon mashed potatoes in ice cream cones. Garfield and Jon then ate the mashed potatoes, having thought they were ice cream.