Garfield Wiki

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(The episode begins one day above Jon’s house. Inside there is a commotion. Garfield is chasing Nermal around the kitchen, breaking various things)

Garfield: Ooh! Come back here! Oh you! C’mon, now!

Nermal: You leave me alone, Garfield! (He runs onto the table and kicks a mug off of it) You just resent me because I'm so adorable! (A bottle of ketchup smashes onto the floor)

Garfield: You won’t be after I get through with you! (A chair gets knocked over, and Nermal is flung into a full garbage can outside)

Nermal: WA-HA! Oof! (He pops up with a fish on his head. Garfield appears in the window) Mew…

Garfield: (pointing) And don’t come back! (He slams the window shut and disappears)

Nermal: Huh. Envy. Pure envy. (Harry pops up from inside the trash can next to him)

Harry: Hey, pal, (He grabs the fish off of Nermal’s head) do you mind? Some of us have to eat outta these things. (He eats the rotting fish, bones and all) Chewing noises

Nermal: Oh, sorry, Harry.

Harry: Chuckles

Nermal: (continuing) Garfield threw me in there because he’s so jealous of me. Sigh Not that I blame him. (He blinks adorably. Harry quickly bursts the kitten’s bubble)

Harry: Garfield’s not jealous of you. (Nermal is shocked by this) Look at this. (He digs deeper into his trash can) Somebody threw away a perfectly good (He pulls out a moldy sandwich) six-week old tuna sandwich. (He takes a bite of the crunchy food) Chomp!

(Later on, the two of them walk up the sidewalk)

Nermal: How could he NOT be jealous?! I’m cute, I'm beloved, I have everything! (You’re also selfish and egocentric beyond belief, Nermal, and your personality as a whole kinda sucks in this show. Anyway, the two of them stop)

Harry: (raising his finger) You don’t have your own show.

Nermal: What? (He is visibly confused)

Harry: Garfield has his own show. (And not just one) We’re on it right now, see? (He looks at the viewers) People are watching us. (He points at the audience and waves at them)

Nermal: Oh yeah! (He waves and grins) Hiya, folks! (Harry takes another bite of that sandwich)

Harry: Everyone watches it. (They head toward a house) You can hear it coming out of almost every house! (They look through the windows) The little girl who lives here watches it every time it comes on. (The girl, Laraine, sits on her sofa, watching the show excitedly. Her mother yells from the other room)

Laraine’s Mother: Laraine! I told you to watch educational programs! (Laraine is annoyed)

Laraine: The Garfield Show IS educational, mom! I’m learning how to eat lasagna (She counts on her fingers) and sleep all day.

Laraine’s Mother: Laraine!

Laraine: (disappointed) Alright, alright. (She grabs the remote and changes the channel to the news)

Anchorwoman: We’re speaking with noted inventor and mad scientist, Professor Thaddeus Bonkers. (She turns to her guest) Professor Bonkers, is it true that you’ve invented a time machine?

Professor Bonkers: Oh that is correct! (He taps his fingers together)

Anchorwoman: How long did it take you?

Professor Bonkers: (raising his finger) The rest of my life! I actually finished it 47 years from now, but then when I was done, I jumped into my time machine and came back here (He points down) to today in it.

Anchorwoman: (intrigued) Huhhh! (She scratches her head) So in your time machine, someone can actually travel into the past.

Professor Bonkers: Indeed, but (He points up) they have to be very careful. (Laraine is bored watching the news) Anything you do when you go back (She yawns) in time could affect the future! (Both cats see this)

Nermal: Wow! (He raises his fists) What would you do (Harry glares at his sandwich, still chewing it) if you had a time machine, Harry?

Harry: I think I'd go back in time about two minutes and not eat this sandwich. (He tosses it away behind him)

Nermal: (pointing up) Well I know what I’d do… and what I'm gonna do! Cackles (He disappears from the window and races down the sidewalk, telling the viewers his plan) A slight change in history and this show will be mine! (He grins) Pants

Professor Bonkers: So, you need to be very careful about altering the past. (Laraine looks at the remote)

Laraine: This is boring. (She switches the channel back) I’m gonna watch The Garfield Show. (On TV, Garfield walks into the backyard to his lawn chair. Jon yells at him from inside)

Jon: Garfield, you can’t just lay around the house all day sleeping! (The Flabby Tabby flops into the chair)

Garfield: Jon’s right. I’ll lay around the backyard all day sleeping.

(Elsewhere, in a large red building, Professor Bonkers works in his office, punching buttons on a keyboard. He finishes and steps away from it, and Nermal pokes his head out from behind the desk Bonkers was working at)

Nermal: Chuckles (The scientist addresses Beasley, the recurring security guard character)

Professor Bonkers: You! (Beasley jumps slightly in surprise, and Bonkers points at him) Guard my time machine with your life! It is priceless! (He wags his finger at him) It took me the rest of my life to build it!

Beasley: You can count on me, Professor. (Bonkers leaves. Nermal tiptoes around the lab, under the desk, and behind another one, eyeing up the time machine)

Nermal: Huh. (The machine itself resembles a sleigh, with a seat, seatbelt, and time-traveling technology. Nermal’s eyes get big and he smiles wide) Giggles (Beasley’s presence gives him pause) Oh! (The guard walks around it, and Nermal quickly hides) Strain! (He spots a beaker of purple liquid on the floor. He picks it up and throws it in the opposite direction of the machine) Grunt! (The beaker shatters)

Beasley: Whoa! (Nermal is nervous, and Beasley walks right by him)

Nermal: Gasp! (He presses his back to the desk, but Beasley goes to investigate the noise. He opens the lab door and looks around, allowing Nermal to tiptoe around the lab. The guard leaves, and Nermal has his chance) Ha! (He winks at the viewers. gives them a thumbs-up, and sprints toward the time machine. He flings himself onto the seat) Sigh Now, how do you start this thing? (He looks around for something useful, and finds it in the form of a book) Traveling through time for dummies. (He grabs it and flips through the pages) Huh, just what I need. (He scans the pages) “To start, press red button.” (He holds his finger up and waves it over the three colored buttons on the dashboard: one green, one red, and one purple. He presses the red button, and the machine powers up) Well doi. (It rises into the air, and then starts spinning rapidly) WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! (The machine vanishes, and Nermal is flung through time, a swirly green tunnel in a black void with clocks scattered about) WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! (Nermal is panicking at this point) How to stop! How to stop! How to stop! (He returns to the book and examines the pages again) It’s gotta be in here somewhere! (He finds something else useful) “Selecting the date or event to visit.” Awesome! (He gives the viewers a thumbs-up again and presses more buttons on the dashboard) I’m setting it for the day Jon first found Garfield at the pet store! (He is soon out of the vortex. The machine worked, and he has gone back 34 years–this episode was made in 2012) Giggles (He gives another thumbs-up to the viewers and hops onto the rail. He is floating in midair, until the machine drops with him on it) Whoa! (He lands unharmed and races off. He quickly finds the pet store and skids to a stop in front of it, his tail wagging) Laughs Wow! I made it! (He points) That’s the store! (The store’s name: Pet Shop 8000. Inside, in one of the cages, a tiny orange kitten that would later be named Garfield and his cage mate–another kitten resembling Autumn from Home for the Holidays in Season 2–chat)

Garfield: So how do you get someone to adopt you?

Kitten: (raising his finger) Just look adorable, and then someone will want to take you home.

Garfield: (scratching his chin) Well that doesn’t sound too hard.

Kitten: It helps if the human isn’t too bright. (He taps his head. Just then, Jon walks through the doors)

Jon: Hey hey! (He looks around, eager to find a kitten)

Garfield: Ooh! (He waves at Jon) He should be a cinch.

Kitten: Oh, but don’t look too eager. It makes them think no one else wants you.

Garfield: Good idea! I’ll play hard to get. (He sits down) Grunt! (An employee, or perhaps the manager, it’s hard to tell, walks up to Jon)

Pet Store Employee: May I help you, sir?

Jon: Uh, yes. I’ve been thinking I may want to adopt a cat. (He points at the employee)

Garfield: (hopping in place) Pick me! Oh! Take me home with you! Please, please, please! (He reaches out through the bars) I’ll be your loyal cat! (The employee unlocks Garfield’s cage. Nermal watches from the window) Oh meow, meow, meow! Pick me.

Nermal: Wow.

Jon: Yelp! (Garfield leaps at him and grabs onto his face) Oof! (muffled) Uh, (He raises his hand) maybe I’ll take this one.

Nermal: That’s how Jon adopted Garfield. (He disappears from the window. Jon and Garfield rub heads together)

Jon: On the way home I'll stop by the market and buy some cat food.

Pet Store Employee: (raising his finger) Actually, we’ve noticed that he (Jon turns to him) rather likes lasagna.

Jon: Lasagna?

Garfield: Meow meow!

Jon: OK. Lasagna. (He carries Garfield in his hands out of the store) You are kind of cute.

Garfield: You’re not so bad yourself, fella.

Jon: I think we’re going to be good… (He suddenly stops) Gasp! (Nermal is standing before him)

Nermal: Meow! (He blinks and tiptoes around Jon, hamming up the adorable angle) Purr! Purr! Mew! Mew! Mew! (Jon and Garfield blink)

Garfield: Huh? (Jon looks at Nermal, and then at Garfield. One moment later, his mind is made up. He returns Garfield to the store, hands him to the employee and takes Nermal with him instead. The lasagna-loving kitten realizes what has happened) YAHHH! (He races out the door) What about me, (He skids to a stop and waves his arms in a panic) taking me home and feeding me lasagna (He runs after Jon, and the employee chases him) and making me your cat and feeding me…? (He is nabbed by the employee as Jon carries Nermal with him)

Jon: And you’re going to love it at my place. I’ll fix you up a bed and feed you whatever you like!

Garfield: Whimpers No! (Distressed, he watches Jon go. The past has officially been altered, and with it, so does the future)

(Cut back to Garfield, who is lying in his lawn chair in the backyard before suddenly jolting himself awake)

Garfield: Wha? Oh! This is weird! I feel like the entire universe just shifted a little. (He gets up and goes to the door) Oh well. Time for my 3:15 (He ducks into the pet door) pre-dinner appetizer booster snack. (He unpeels a banana as he walks into the living room. Odie is sleeping on the floor)

Odie: Snore! Snore! (The Flabby Tabby tosses the peel away and bites half of the banana)

Garfield: Mm! Gee, Jon’s not keeping the kitchen as well stocked as he usually does. (He finishes the banana and races over to Odie, pointing at him) It’s every pet for himself at dinner, Odie! (The sleepy canine wakes up)

Odie: Mutter

Garfield: There's barely enough dinner in the house for me.

Odie: Sniffs (He slowly starts to rise)

Garfield: Huh? (Odie quickly becomes aggressive, quite the contrast to his usual, innocent, welcoming self)

Odie: Grrr! Grrrr! GRRRRR! (He stands in an attack pose, growling and barking) Bark! Grrrr!

Garfield: An intruder? Where? (He looks around him. He is, of course, unaware of Nermal’s changing of the past, and thus, in this timeline, he doesn’t live in Jon’s house)

Odie: (loosely translated) Right here!

Garfield: You mean me?! (He points at Odie and gestures to himself)

Odie: Bark! (He nods)

Garfield: How could I be an intruder?

Odie: Mutters

Garfield: What do you mean you never saw me before in your life? I’m Garfield!

Odie: Huh?

Garfield: (continuing) I live in this house, remember?

Odie: Bark!

Garfield: (continuing) See my picture right over here on… (He gestures to the wall. Instead of his picture, it’s Nermal striking a pose) Gasp! Nermal! (He points at the picture) What is Nermal doing in my picture frame?

Odie: Grrr! Grrrrr! (Squeak walks up with a piece of cheese in his hand. Garfield spots him)

Garfield: Squeak, tell Odie who I am? (Squeak blinks, and then panics)

Squeak: Strange cat in the house! Alarm! (He runs around the living room) Alarm!

Garfield: Squeak, it’s me, (He runs after the mouse, who is now in the kitchen) Garfield!

Squeak: You’re a cat, (Garfield crawls under the table to Squeak) and cats eat mice, (He leaps in fear) all of them except for my friend, Nermal!

Garfield: Nermal?

Squeak: Whimpers (Terrified, he opens the door to his mousehole and gets inside)

Garfield: Hey! (He leaps after Squeak, only to slam head-first into the wall) Oof! Uh…

Odie: Bark! (Odie is behind him, barking at the strange cat) Bark! Bark, bark!

Jon: What’s wrong, Odie? (Both cat and dog turn to Jon)

Garfield: Huh?

Jon: Hey, how’d that cat (He points at the Tubby Tabby) get in here?

Garfield: “That cat?” (He zips up to Jon on his knees, begging) Jon! (His eyes get big) Don’t you remember me? (He lies on the ground) The cat who sleeps all day, (He gets up. Odie is still scowling at him) who eats lasagna, (He points at Jon) who’s been with you since… (He pauses and thinks for a moment)

Odie: Angry mutters

Garfield: When did Jim start the newspaper strip? (He raises his finger) 1978. (He begs and points at Jon) Since 1978!

Jon: I don't know who you are, but there's only room for one (He holds up one finger) cat in this house: (He holds his hands to his head, lovingly) my beloved pet, Nermal. (He blinks. Garfield is floored)

Garfield: Gasp! Nermal? Your pet?? (He points at Jon. He is then quickly and ruthlessly kicked out of the house by Odie) YAAHHH! (He lands into a garbage can, and Odie slams the door behind him. Garfield pops his head up) What happened? (He shrugs) Why do I no longer exist? (After getting out of the trash can, he walks by Laraine’s house) Odie doesn’t know me, Squeak doesn’t know me, even JON doesn’t know me! This couldn’t be any WORSE! (On cue, things get worse. He hears a voice of someone from inside the house)

Laraine’s Mother: Laraine! Are you watching The Nermal Show again?

Garfield: (horrified) The Nermal Show??! (He grabs his head. Inside, Laraine is on the couch watching TV)

Laraine: It’s just starting, mom! (Garfield watches from the window. He hears his theme song playing)

Garfield: Gasp! YAA-HA-HA! (He sees his opening theme, except Nermal is throwing Odie a bone instead of him) No! No! That’s MY show! (He points at himself and then gestures at the TV) That’s my opening and my theme song! (He addresses the viewers) Those people with the funny names in the credits, they work for me! ME!!

Laraine’s Mother: Laraine! I told you to watch (Laraine rolls her eyes) something educational! (Laraine smiles)

Laraine: The Nermal Show IS educational, mom! (Garfield facepalms and shakes his head) I’m learning how to be the most adorable creature on the planet! (She already has Nermal’s humility. Garfield bursts into tears)

Garfield: Cries (He collapses on the windowsill he is standing on) My show! He even got my show! My life, my show, (He stops crying and holds his finger up) I'm surprised I still have my stripes! (He hops down onto a trash can and then the lawn. As luck would have it, Nermal walks by)

Nermal: Hi, Garfield. (He waves)

Garfield: Oh hi, Nermal. (He waves back. The realization soon hits him) Nermal?! (He chases him down) Nermal, (The selfish kitten glances back at him with a smug smile) what have you done?

Nermal: (feigning ignorance) Done? About what?

Garfield: Why do you (He points) suddenly have my life and my show?

Nermal: Oh that. Chuckles No big deal. (He raises his finger) I just borrowed a time machine, went back in time, and got Jon to adopt ME instead of YOU! Cackles See you later, Garfield! (He snaps his fingers and leaves, mockingly waving good-bye)

Garfield: Gasp! Oh, (He puts his paws on his hips) so THAT’S how he did it. Hmm… (What Nermal said sinks in) Time machine! (He grabs his head and returns to Laraine’s window) How am I gonna undo this? How am I gonna get my life back? (He stops under the window and raises a paw to his ear, listening in to the news on TV)

Anchorwoman: Professor Bonkers, is it true that you’ve invented a time machine? (Garfield’s ear twitches)

Professor Bonkers: Yes, uh (Cut to the mad scientist on TV) two (He holds up two fingers) of them in fact. (The Flabby Tabby reappears in the window. Laraine is visibly bored with the news) Someone stole the first one, they left it in a no-parking zone in the past, and it was towed. (Garfield suddenly understands what happened) The police have no idea where it is, so I had to build another one.

Garfield: I have to get that time machine and undo what Nermal did. (He raises his finger and drops down to do just that)

(He appears in Professor Bonkers’ laboratory and peers at the time machine from behind a desk. Beasley is still standing guard, but not very well. Garfield sneaks right by him and plops himself into the seat)

Garfield: Grunt! Chuckle (He grabs the same book Nermal used and presses the red button, powering up the machine. Beasley finally notices and turns around)

Beasley: Wow! Hey! (He splits. Garfield drops the book as the machine levitates and disappears)

(Just like that, Garfield is taken back to the spot where Nermal is going home with Jon all those years prior)

Jon: And you’re going to love it at my place! I’ll fix you up a bed, and feed you… (Garfield slides to a stop in front of him, raising his paw)

Garfield: No! Stop! (Nermal scowls at Garfield) You’re making a terrible mistake! (Cut to Jon and Nermal) You don’t want that cat, he’s obnoxious! (Nermal looks at Jon with big kitten eyes) He’s annoying! He’s… he’s… he’s Nermal! (Nermal resumes scowling at Garfield)

Jon: What is it, cat? Are you telling me I shouldn't adopt this one? (He looks at Nermal, who resumes his smiling facade. Garfield hops around, waving his arms and begging)

Garfield: Yes! Yes! (He points at himself) Take the little cute one that eats lasagna! (He stops hopping and starts crying) He’s the one you really want! Don’t do this! Please! PLE-EE-EE-EASE! Whimpers

(Back in the present day, Nermal is lounging in his chair, enjoying a new lease on life)

Nermal: Yeah, yeah, yeah! (He wiggles his toes) This is a pretty good life Garfield has, or rather, HAD! Laughs I’m starting to really enjoy it. Hums (Garfield walks up to him)

Garfield: Nermal! (The kitten is caught by surprise) What are you doing here?

Nermal: I live here. (He points down)

Garfield: Not any more. I went back in time and convinced Jon not to adopt you. (He glares at Nermal with a similar smug grin that Nermal had before)

Nermal: WHAT?! (Shocked, he gets up from his chair) That’s rotten, Garfield! (He points) How dare you do to me what I did to you! (Nermal, does the word “hypocrite” mean anything to you?)

Garfield: Come with me. (He ushers Nermal to follow with his finger) Let’s see how things are now in the Arbuckle (He points behind him with his thumb) household. (Garfield leads Nermal through the pet door and kitchen)

Garfield and Nermal: Pant

Odie: Bark! (The cats peer into the living room. Jon is on the chair, and Odie is wagging his tail and resting his front paws on his lap. Jon pets the panting puppy)

Jon: You’re such a wonderful pet, Odie. I'm so glad I decided never (He wags his finger) to get a cat. (Understandably, this leaves both cats flummoxed)

Garfield and Nermal: Never to get a cat?!

Jon: Shall we watch our favorite TV show? (Odie slurps his master’s face)

Odie: Slurp! Slurp!

Jon: Hey hey!

Odie: Bark!

Jon: OK, (He pulls out the remote) here it comes! (He turns the TV on, and Garfield’s theme is heard. Both cats zip up to the side of the TV and to their surprise, it’s Odie tossing a bone for a smaller dachshund. With the cats out of the picture, Odie is now the star of the show)

Garfield and Nermal: The Odie Show?! (The cats take off)

(They later reappear in their time machine, traveling back in time in an attempt to get everything back to normal)

Garfield: Don’t worry, folks. (He raises his finger) We’ll go back and get this straightened out before the next episode of The Garfield Show.

Nermal: Or The Nermal Show. (Garfield puts a paw on Nermal’s mouth)

Garfield: Or, whatever this show is! (For the record, your humble author, BigOdieFan, would give The Odie Show a watch, but for now, the episode ends)

