"Halt! Officer Odie orders you to stop and help!"
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[The episode begins in Jon's living room, midday. A jazzy upbeat music is playing in the background as Garfield is seen sleeping in the living room. The alarm clock then rings.]
Garfield: Huh? [Garfield turns off the alarm clock, then he emerges from the blanket. He then stretches while yawning] Two o' clock, (Leaves his bed and moves to a book.] let's see what's on my agenda... [Flips through the book.] Two o' clock... Two o' clock... [Lightly gasps] Ah, here it is. "Two o' clock...nap"! [Closes the book and returns to bed] If you don't have a schedule, you're not gonna get the important stuff done.
[Garfield falls asleep. At the same time, Jon is cooking a meal in the kitchen. Odie is standing behind him, begging for food]
Odie: [Barks and pants]
Jon: [Tosses him some food] Here you go, boy. [Odie gladly eats it] And would you go close the refridgerator door?
Odie: Right! [Heads to the fridge, which is wide open. The cheese chunk on a platter wobbles, then mouse legs protrude from the bottom. Odie sees the legged cheese chunk leap off the fridge shelf and run away] Hum?
[Garfield wakes up from his nap and he spots the running chunk of cheese, which leaps before his nose]
Garfield: [To the audience] Did you just see? I've heard of fast food, but this is ridiculous!
[Garfield follows the running and leaping cheese chunk. He catches it after tree leaps and discovers,that a mouse was carrying it. The mouse leaps twice without the cargo before he notices, that something is wrong. After a while, the mouse looks up and gets struck by fear. Enraged Garfield with a cheese chunk is dominating the rodent's sight]
Floyd: No, please! [Begs] Dear cat, spare my meager rodent body! Please don't eat me! Ple-e-e-ease! [Garfield takes a bite out of the cheese] Please, I didn't mean to do it, forgive me - I grovel before you! [Kisses Garfield's feet]
Garfield: [Muffled due to his mouth being full] Why in the world... [Swallows, normal voice again] Why in the world would I want to eat a mouse?
Floyd: Well, cats always eat mice on TV. [Runs to the TV] Here, I'll show you. [Turns the TV on. After a moment, a cartoon with a fox-like cat chasing a brown mouse is on the screen, reminiscent of Tom and Jerry]
Mouse [On TV]: Help! The evil nasty cat is going to devour me! HELP! [Hides inside the mousehole. The cat foolishly crashes on the wall. The mouse peeks out the hole. After a moment, the flattened cat collapses to the ground.] Hahahaha!
Floyd: Get 'im! GET THAT MEAN OLD PUSSYCAT! Haha! [The mouse on TV has managed to get its adversary pinned down by a piano]
Mouse [On TV]: That's what cats deserve for eating mice! Hehe! Hehe!
[Garfield turns the TV off]
Garfield: Ugh, what a horrible thing to put on television! And they let children watch that stuff?
Floyd: See? Cats eat mice, it says so.
Garfield: Not this cat! [Walks off] I chase hamburgers; they're easier to catch and they taste a lot better.
Floyd: A cat that doesn't eat mice? [Jumps off the armchair] Wait till I tell the guys! W-We got it made!
[Scene transitions to the town's alley. A pack of mice is eating inside garbage cans, when Floyd approaches them. He hops and waves his hands, grabbing their attention. Scene returns to Jon's house. The mice have relocated themselves to the area behind the mousehole. Floyd repeats the process, and soon, a throng of mice is walking to Jon's house]
Mice: [Chatting indistinctively] Yeah! WOHOO! YAY! [Floyd has removed the ventilation grate and lets his compatriots inside, one by one] HEY! YEE-HAW!
[Scene cuts to the kitchen, where Jon is feeding Odie]
Jon: Here you go, Odie.
[Odie Pants, then eats his meal. Suddenly, two mice legs protrude from the bowl and carry it away] Hm? [He goes after the bowl. The mice carrying it stop after a short distance and crouch. Odie catches the bowl up. He sniffs it, then attempts to bite the food, but the mice carry the bowl away. He growls, then chases them while barking. Meanwhile, Jon is reading a recipe book]
Jon: Let's see. This recipe calls for one quart of milk...[Two mice run past Jon with the milk] celery... [A mouse with a celery root runs past Jon.] A dozen eggs... [Twelve mice, each holding one egg, run past Jon] Then place in refrigerator. [A group of mice with the entire fridge run past Jon. He notices them, then yells at Garfield] GARFIELD! [Runs to him and forcibly wakes him up]
Garfield: Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh!
Jon: Garfield, the house is filled with mice! You know what to do!
Garfield: Right. [Stands up] I know exactly what to do. [Runs to the telephone. He is seen with the telephone book while holding the telephone's receiver] Let's see... Exercise... Exploratory surgery... Exterminators! Here we go.
Jon: [Takes the phone away] No, no! You-You're the cat around here and it's your job to catch these mice!
Garfield: My job?! H-H-How about if we trade? [Jon grabs him] You catch the mice, I'll mess up the dinner. [Gets tossed into the kitchen. One of the mice is running with a pie around the kitchen] Well, here goes nothin'. [Leaps at the mouse, causing it to throw the pie in the air. Garfield then grabs him] Say, this mouse catching's easy. [Walks off, then realizes] Wait, wasn't he carrying a lemon meringue pie? [The pie lands on his face, causing him to drop the mouse. The mouse flees as Garfield licks the pie around his face] I was wrong...it's peach.
[Scene transitions to another mouse running past the living room. Garfield chases it with a vacuum cleaner]
Garfield: What a clever idea I had! This is sure to work. [The mouse dives under the armchair. Garfield approaches the area and sweeps it. Something large is then caught by the cleaner] Got the little guy! [Walks to the vacuum's base] Come on out, little mouse! [He opens it, and Odie emerges from inside]
Odie: [Licks Garfield and runs off]
Garfield: Odie? [To the audience] You'd have to be pretty dumb to wind up inside a vacuum cleaner. [Jon's head emerges from the vacuum cleaner as well]
Jon: Poo! [Coughs]
Garfield: And the bigger you are, the dumber you'd have to be. [Jon looks at him with an offended look]
[Scene transitons to another part of the living room, where Garfield is seen dressed up as a mouse] This has got to work. [Puts on the headwear] I am the grand supreme mouse, and you will all follow me! [Walks outside] Attention fellow mice! I am the grand--[Immediately retreats back in as bunch of cats chase him]
Garfield: Woah! Hey! DOWN! Please!
[Screen fades to black, then fades in to Garfield sitting on the kitchen table as some mice are dancing conga in front of him. Jon then walks up to him, disappointed]
Jon: You call yourself a cat? [Sarcastically] Maybe you'd like to make the mice feel more welcome here. We could send out for pizza for them! They've eaten everything in the kitchen! The only thing left is my avocado and peanut butter stew with French dressing!
Garfield: [Blows raspberry. The doorbell rings as Garfield snatches the pot with Jon's stew and runs away with it.]
Jon: That's the last food in the house! Garfield! [Scene cuts to the mice chatting in the living room] GARFIELD!!
Garfield: [Hands the mice the pot] Here you go, guys! [Opens lid] Soup's on! [All the mice begin eating the stew. Garfield speaks to the audience] Yeah, I know. Rotten thing to do to a mouse!
[The mice keep eating until they stiffen their tails. The rodents retract with visible nausea. Scene cuts to Jon is wearing his jacket, Odie standing by]
Jon: I'm going to get another cat. [Garfield walks to the door] One that knows how to catch mice! [Garfield opens the door, and all the mice leave the house]
Mice: [Unintelligible chatter]
Floyd: [Coughs] I knew you cats were sneaky, but I never thought you'd stoop to RAT poison! [Gags, then runs out with the rest]
Garfield: [Slams the door, then walks away while dusting off his hands]
Jon: Nice going, Garfield!
Garfield: [Enters the kitchen] I'm hungry. [Lightly gasps] Maybe I'll have... [Eyes widen as he sees the kitchen completely empty]
Jon: They got everything. But don't worry, Garfield, [Shows the pot] we still have more of my avocado and peanut butter stew!
Garfield & Odie: [The former gags while the latter whimpers]
[Scene transitions to the alleyway again]
Floyd: Oh well, guys - it was nice while it lasted!
Odie: [Barks off-screen]
Garfield: Hey, we're signing up! [He and Odie approach them in mice costumes] You guys are eating better than we are. Move over.
Odie: [Barks]
[Floyd stares at the audience with a confused gaze as Odie grins. The screen fades to black, ending the episode]