Garzooka (voiced by Frank Welker) is the leader of the superhero team Pet Force. His powers are gamma-radiated hairballs, superhuman strength, and razor-sharp claws in his right hand that can rend solid steel. While the original Garzooka was heroic and a born leader, the Garzooka created from Garfield is lazy and gluttonous, though he still focuses on the task at hand.
He is a deuteragonist of Garfield's Pet Force.
DTV Movies[]
- The Outrageous Origin
- Pie-Rat's Revenge
- K-Niner: Dog of Doom
- Menace of the Mutanator
- Attack of the Lethal Lizards
- Pet Force No More!
- The Creature Stalks!
- Pet Force Vs. The Fearsome Four!
- The Contractor of Doom!
- Cat-Astrophe In The Cosmos!
- The Fearsome Four Strike Back!
- Garzooka's name is a play on the word "bazooka", a rocket launcher weapon.