Garfield Wiki

Dick Drake (voiced by Shelley Berman) is a news duck. He is the host of the news magazine series Seven Minutes.

Dick once had an episode on Wade Duck and his numerous fears, which included input from Dr. Edward R. Furrow, identified as Wade's psychiatrist. When Wade noted how brave he was for hosting a show watched by millions of people, Dick became paralyzed with fear. The event allowed him to understand Wade.

Much to Dick's annoyance, Seven Minutes is occasionally interrupted by another host appearing prematurely.

Physical appearance[]

Dick Drake is a duck who looks similar to Wade. He has two big cartoonish eyes with white sclera and black pupils, black thick eyebrows, a huge orange beak, a long neck, as well as a thin body, short legs and big orange three-toed feet. As for attire, he wears a blue suit with a long red tie.


Dick Drake is a calm, confident and professional TV host. Despite his usual confident demeanor, he displays a relatable vulnerability, as shown when he experienced paralyzing fear on air when Wade noted how brave he was for hosting a show watched by millions of people. Despite his usual calm demeanor, he is easily annoyed by interruptions, as Seven Minutes is occasionally interrupted by another host appearing prematurely. At some point, he threw the host out of the window for interrupting his show.


Garfield and Friends[]

Season 7[]


  • He is one of the few characters in the cartoon to have eyebrows.