Garfield Wiki
Thewellcutpicture "We've been working for months on this skyscraper!"

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  • [Fade in on a shot of a quiet, empty desert road, on which a small red car can be seen driving past on. The camera cuts to a closer view of the car, revealing it is being driven by none other than Jon Arbuckle, with his pets sitting in the back.]
  • Jon: It's about ten more miles to Cactus Jake's dude ranch, guys. Why, you must be really suffering with all that fur, Garfield.
  • [In the back seat, Garfield and Odie are comfortably buckled in, enjoying the ride. Garfield is holding a blue snow cone.]
  • Garfield: I'm fine as long as my supply of snow cones holds up.
  • [Odie starts panting excitedly at the mention of snow cones.]
  • Garfield: Hey, Odie, want a lick? [holds his snow cone in front of Odie's face]
  • Odie: Yeah! Yeah!
  • [Garfield leans over and literally gives Odie a lick!]
  • Odie: Yeeeeuuuck!!! [disgustedly starts trying to wipe the saliva off the right side of his face]
  • Garfield: [smiles to the fourth wall] You have no idea how long I've waited to do that to him.
  • [They keep driving.]
  • Jon: [having somehow been able to hear his cat's thoughts] Well, I hope you have enough snow cones for ten more miles, becau[POOOW!!]
  • [At that moment, one of the tires blows, the jolt from which causing Garfield's seatbelt to undo itself.]
  • Garfield: [standing up and grabbing his chest dramatically, pretending he has been shot] Uck! They got me, Odie! Tell Ma I loved her, and bury me not on the lone prairie.
  • [He lies down in the back seat, coughs, and then goes quiet. The whole time, Odie just looks at Garfield like he's a crazy lunatic. Jon pulls over on the side of the road.]
  • Jon: Garfield, it's just a flat tire!
  • Garfield: Boy, you're no fun.
  • Jon: [gets out of the car and walks around to the trunk] I hope the spare tire has air in it. Wha...?
  • [Opening the trunk, Jon, expecting to find a spare tire, is instead greeted by several boxes' worth of snow cones in assorted flavors.]
  • Jon: [unamused] Garfield? [Garfield walks up to Jon with yet another snow cone] You took the spare tire out to make more room for snow cones? Is that it?!
  • Garfield: [apathetic to Jon's current vehicular dilemma] Hey, pal, necessities of life.
  • Jon: Do you realize what a mistake this is?! [balls fists in rage]
  • Garfield: You're right. I should've brought less lemon and more grape!
  • Jon: [giving up on scolding his cat] I'm going to walk to that gas station we passed a few miles back. I'll be back as soon as possible. Try and stay out of the sun.
  • [Garfield silently watches his owner trudge off in the opposite direction.]
  • Garfield: Well, I'd better save my snow cones for later. [he walks back to the car, only to come running back a few seconds later] It's later! [grabs another snow cone]
  • [Fade to Jon walking along the road, already hunched over and worn out.]
  • Jon: [panting] It's farther than I thought. [wipes the sweat from his forehead and thinks he sees a tiny wooden shack in the distance, with two gas pumps out front and a sign on the roof proclaiming, "SELF-SERVICE GAS"] Phew... I made it!
  • [The guy at the window is propped up in a chair with his nose in a magazine. Signs above and below the window read "OIL, WATER" and "PAY CASHIER BEFORE PUMPING", respectively. Jon finally makes it up to the window, completely out of breath.]
  • Jon: Excuse me—?!
  • Seymour: [barely looking up from his magazine, speaking in monotone] Welcome to Seymour's Self-Serve Service Station. You can pump your own gas, check your own oil, and wash your own windshield.
  • Jon: [desperately] I have a flat tire!
  • Seymour: You can also fix your own flat tire; we don't do that, too.
  • Jon: B-b-b-but... b-but my-my cat, my dog—they're out there in the desert, all alone!
  • [The camera pans down from the hot sun to Jon's car. The trunk is still open, but it's empty, and cardboard boxes and snow cone cups have been littered about all over the side of the road. Inside the car, Odie whimpers and pants, the heat starting to take its toll on him.]
  • Garfield: You know, Odie, in the desert, your eyes can play tricks on ya. You can see things that aren't there.
  • Odie: Oh?
  • Garfield: Yep—they're called "mirages". Mirages are fantasies in the desert.
  • [But Odie has already gotten bored of listening to Garfield's lecture, and instead decides to look out the car window at the nice desert scenery. Suddenly, an in-ground swimming pool appears, complete with a diving board and some picnic tables, much to Odie's delight. Garfield soon becomes interested in Odie's excitement, and tries to look out the window with him.]
  • Garfield: What do you see out there, boy? [Odie suddenly leaps out the window, his back legs knocking Garfield down as he does so] Odie? Odie, you cashew-brained canine!
  • [Odie doesn't hear him; he's already running as fast as he can towards the pool.]
  • Odie: Bark! Arf! Arf! Barf! Bark! Arf! Arf!
  • [Garfield jumps out of the car window, flailing his arms around.]
  • Garfield: Odie, it's a mirage! There's nothing out there but desert, and more desert, and more...
  • [A loud splash is heard, and Garfield watches in disbelief as Odie starts happily backstroking around in the pool.]
  • Odie: ♪Laaaaaa-la-laaa-la-laaaa-la...♪
  • [Garfield rubs his eyes, but can't unsee the pool, so he just shrugs and goes along with it.]
  • Garfield: [running toward the pool on all fours] Hey, sometimes, you don't ask questions.
  • [He cannonballs into what turns out to be just a mirage. The pool fades away, and Garfield lands painfully on the hard desert ground. As he tries to knock the dust out of his ears, Odie "swims" by behind him, still deceived by the mirage.]
  • Odie: ♪Laaaaaaaa-la-laaaaa-la-laaa—♪ OOF!
  • [He eventually snaps out of it when he backstrokes into a rock.]
  • Odie: Huh? [gets up, looks disappointed]
  • Garfield: [walking up] It was a mirage, Odie; a mirage.
  • Odie: [once again, not listening] BAAAAWOOO!!
  • [Odie points at something off in the distance and pants ecstatically. Garfield sees it, too— it's a huge amusement park full of carnival tents, ribbons, a carousel, and even a Ferris wheel.]
  • Odie: Bark! Arf! Ruff! Barf! Arf! Rarf! [hops off, no longer able to contain his excitement]
  • Garfield: Odie, come back! That's another mirage! Odie! Odie!! [starts to chase after him] Odie, you foolish fido! [to fourth wall] Anyone out there want to buy a dog?
  • [Odie rushes through the entrance, but Garfield gets tired and stops short of it. A carousel catches his attention, which has white horses with blue manes and pink saddles. Odie is already riding one of the horses, giggling and having the best time of his life. Garfield walks up to it, already looking tired of chasing Odie around. The carousel stops spinning.]
  • Garfield: Odie, there is no merry-go-round there...
  • Odie: Hunh?
  • Garfield: [growing annoyed] No, it's a mirage. No merry-go-round, no horsey.
  • Odie: [sadly] Raar barfree?
  • Garfield: No horsey.
  • Odie: Awwww. [hops off the "horsey", Garfield's stomach fat breaking his fall]
  • Garfield: [shoves Odie off him and sits up] Odie, your brains are a mirage. Now let's get walking back to the car; it's that way.
  • [He points to his right, but is confused to only find empty desert and a decaying cow skull in that direction.]
  • Garfield: [internal gasp, points to his left] Or is it that way?
  • [In that direction is just more rocks and cacti. Garfield grits his teeth in horror as he realizes the predicament they are in.]
  • Garfield: ...Odie, we’re lost in the desert!!!